Monday, 15 April 2019

Alexis Arguing for Letter 'M'

Alexis like the letter's' so much that I could not say other letters other than the letter 'M'. Was so cute when she argued with me for the letter. Manage to capture 2 videos of the argument. Enjoy the cuteness overload. #BadDaddy 

Here is part 1 of the video. Still gentle with argument.

Here is part 2 of the video where she really got angry over it. Felt bad at the same time find it funny. When I showed her the video, she laughed at herself too. 

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Alexis learning to talk more

We had noticed her interest in drawing and one day, Sister Regina taught her how to do water painting. This is her first drawing. Looks good.

After she started to attend school we had noticed she started to talk more. It is a good thing as she is able to express herself more. Leaning what she wants and also what she doesn't want is much easier. There is an incident that she is hurt, she will point at the wound and say "Pain".

After telling her that it is dangerous to open the door when grandparents are driving. She repeated open door non-stop. Here is a short video of it.

After the open door, She still doesn't want to stop talking. Starting counting 1 to 10 in Chinese. Not clear but that is a good improvement.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Alexis Dancing

Alexis drown in a pool of balls
Threw Alexis down, but due to school, she seems to lost all her confidence and have to carry her. That is the job of the father.

Bought Google Alexa and she went hyper. Let's look at how she dances along with the music.

Let's present to you the first video on Three Little Kittens.

The second video will be Baby Shark. She just loves dancing around.